First of all I want to thanks everyone who are loyal to my blog. I hope you enjoy all this Tutorials. This time i will be sharing to you a very Important aspect of using our Wimax modem. As we all know and notice for the past months mac address are easily detected and being patched. Meaning that after few weeks or even days mac address will now function properly because of Big Gs upgrade. Having the knowledge how to snipe for mac address gives you the freedom and peace of mind without worrying when your mac address will be dead. Because with this method you will always have back up mac address for future use.
Please take note and follow all these steps and surely you will have tons and unlimited sources of Mac address.
In this tutorial I will be teaching you how to snipe using Wimax Bm622m. You can apply this concept for all other modems with just a little tweaks of the settings. Surely everyone needs this tutorial, Mac address today is not that easy to find and others are now selling it for about Php200-350 per mac address So this tutorial is very essential for everyone. Take advantage and enjoy Free unlimited internet. I will be using a software that is made by yyyxxyyz edited by mahal sixthnine which makes it easier to use (TURBO MODE)-modem will no longer reboot upon changing macs(save time).
Credits for the software to:
- yyyxxyyz
- mahalsixthnine
- nicbyte
Software supported modems:
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Please Read "README.TXT" FIRST! Before asking for password.
- Complete Step by step Video Tutorial
- Software Wimaxtool V3(Blue edition)
- Settings for all modems
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Don't get behind Start learning how to snipe mac address from scratch like these dudes above.
contact me now! and get exclusive full tutorial how to snipe mac address.
Don't get behind Start learning how to snipe mac address from scratch like these dudes above.
contact me now! and get exclusive full tutorial how to snipe mac address.